X COOLER - Centralised cooling systems


Modular chiller

The big quantity of energy needed for the cooling processes of transformation requires very efficient and extremely flexible systems. The scalability of the refrigerating power allows the reduction of energy consumption; realizing a cost reduction of two percent digits.

The screw compressor is equipped with a continuous control of the refrigerant flow rate that varies according to the real need of the system and allows to minimize the number of the compressor starts realizing the best C.O.P. The robust evaporator, generously dimensioned, allows to obtain a higher energy efficiency level. The hydraulic circuit is closed loop and is equipped with double pump, one for the internal recirculation between tank and evaporator and one for distribution to users. These machines distinguish themselves for being suitable for the most demanding situations. This cooling system is featured by modularity up to 6 units which allow the customer to get a system tailored on his real needs and ready to be easily expanded at any time. A touch view interface allows easy operation and control.

X COOLER is MOWIS ready.


  • High C.O.P.
  • Extraordinary efficiency at variable loads
  • Modularity
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