Intellectual property

As a leading company in the plastics industry, Moretto holds more than 169 patents and continues to invest, on average, 6% of the annual turnover for research and development activities carried out by a dedicated R&D center located in the Massanzago headquarters.


OMS&P - Original Moretto Systems & People is the brand that highlights the quality and technological innovation of Moretto products; it is the expression of a production philosophy that places man in front of everything, with his creativity, intelligence and passion. The brand is the sign of an approach focused on a new technological humanism, on the innovation of projects and on those who make them. Only the machines that Moretto produces exclusively are marked with the OMS&P brand. Projects with a very high level of innovation - all proudly Made in Italy - launched as absolute novelties to face the challenges on the global market of plastics technologies.


22.000 billion operations per second is the calculation capacity of the supercomputer installed at the heart of the Moretto R&D department. This powerful installation allows us to expand our scientific knowledge and examine a wide range of physical phenomena, which provides unrivaled support in the ongoing development of the next generation of Moretto products. This supercomputer forms the core of a 807,000 ft2 factory expansion, which serves as the foundation of Moretto’s continuing quest to lead the global market in our field. Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci, the great Italian inventor, we honor his memory and achievements in naming this ambitious project LEONARDO.

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