
The training of our technical staff, branch trainers and importers is fundamental to ensuring qualified support on a global level. The sharing of expertise and professional development of our product experts is essential to ensure the development of a wealth of knowledge that promotes and supports a culture of excellence in customer care, both within the company and within our distribution network.

Moretto has a training centre in each of its 8 branches for internal staff and customers training.

Training is delivered by experienced trainers in webinar mode, either at the training centre of each branch or at Moretto's headquarters. Upon request, training sessions can be delivered at the customers' premises in order to perfectly meet their specific expectations.

8 training centres

All our branches are equipped with a training centre for the presentation and training of Moretto products worldwide.


Consolidated experience in various application sectors to always offer the best solution for the customer.


The training courses contribute to the sharing of skills and experience, promoting the creation of a team oriented towards common goals of development.

Customised training

Tailor-made trainings are organised to meet a client's specific needs.

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