MOWIS Supervising

Supervising and Management System 4.0

MOWIS is a self-configurable integrated supervising and management system with object-oriented programming. It is the ideal tool for remote control of complex systems in real time.

The user simply creates the layout of the department autonomously and follows the evolution of the department. The clone of the department is an advantage for the immediate and total visualization of the plant.

MOWIS allows the supervision of the plant status and of each connected unit. The system is structured with a solid Modbus communication network. It is a multi-user platform based on a server, its configuration allows to operate on various levels for different functions, managing different password levels.

The ETHERNET connection supplied, as standard, ensures the connection for remote service. Remote control is also possible through wireless connection.

Mowis controls all equipment and systems in the plant with dedicated modules:


Customised platforms for process control can be integrated in the MOWIS project.

As an example:

  1. Mould control: automatic mould recognition.
  2. Barcode control: univocal material identification.
  3. RFID: automatic phase recognition.

These modules enable the elimination of the human factor, guaranteeing a certified process and a controlled quality.


  • Full control and management of the plant status
  • Open integrated system
  • Remote assistance
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