
21. 室内存储罐&料仓

...storage containers is the protection of plastic granules from accidental contamination and electrostatic dust. Stainless steel (AISI 304) Preventing loading failure Barcode opening system CS手推车系列 主推车 带不锈钢料斗的支架,用于存储颗粒状色母。 模块化系统由每个容量为50 dm³的料斗组成。 料斗全部可拆卸,便于清洁。 它们配有一个防堵塞的手动卸料滑门阀。 模块化存储系统 AISI 304不锈钢结构 密封盖 SST SILTEX 室内织物存储料仓 室内织物储存料仓由长效的技术纤维制成。 可提供各种配件,如液位传感器,破桥装置,推力加载应用。 模块化 装配套件 高品质的技术纤维 SSM SILBOX 模块化料仓 SILBOX模块化料仓是储存原料颗粒的完美解决方案。可以用正压推力组或Moretto真空系统加载原料到容量480到7,200dm³的不同的型号的料仓中。 Silbox料仓完全由不锈钢制成。 它们完全用螺栓固定,可以在不同的解决方案中进行扩展,移动或配置。 它们有液位传感器,阻尼器,桥式断路器和脉冲吸入阀。 模块化 不锈钢结构 包括吸入阀 SS 系列 室内储存料仓 Moretto提供一系列SS室内料仓,容量从1,800到19,200dm³。 由于其结构坚固,可安装在模块化框架上,并在夹层上配备垂直楼梯,护栏和人行道。 当安装在材料仓库内时,SS系列产品有助于实现理想的存储,并可大幅度节约空间。这款料仓是塑料储存问题的理想解决方案。 如有必要,可配备液位传感器,滑轨门和破桥系统。 AISI 304不锈钢结构 密封盖 输送系统的接口

23. The new Moretto website is now online!

...network present in over 60 countries) and interfaces with the world's top players of the plastic industry. Considering the global nature and specialization of its customers, Moretto renews his website...

24. 2020: first events for Moretto

...all the events: efficient machines with low energy consumption, eco-friendly and conceived with the Industry 4.0 criteria. Take a look at our Events Calendar

26. Moretto at Chinaplas 2021

"China is for us an important growing market. The exhibition will not only be an opportunity to showcase Moretto’s products, but above all a return to direct contact with our customers" says Silvia Moretto...

29. Moretto Turkey celebrates its 10th anniversary

...important reference point for the Turkish market in the supply of automation for the plastics processing industry. Located in a strategic position between Europe and Asia in Istanbul, the largest metropolis...

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